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Ideas for getting drawing more people to join the group?

From: Wanda M.
Sent on: Saturday, December 4, 2010, 8:41 PM
Hi Everyone,

This past meeting was a very informative meeting!
I learned how easy it is to be a honey bee keeper while helping with the fast diminishing honey bee population. Lesley has successfully kept her bees alive for over 2 years which according to the Atlanta Bee Society is a miracle unto itself since they are dying at such an alarming rate.
I also learned about something called Casino of Hunger which depicts how the commodities market is now mimicking what the housing market did. Be sure to check out the link that Denise posted!
Don shared how 50 families got together and organically farmed 5 acres in Florida producing ample food for the 50 families and enough leftovers to give away food! Don is currently working with an acre offered by Unity North Church to organically garden it. Don you mentioned a couple of helpful websites - could you share those with the group?
Tom and I shared the emergency dehydrated food and non-hybrid seeds we purchased from along with some wild edible weeds I foraged from our front yard. We ate a full salad from our weeds in our yard this evening!
We will be building another gardening bed in our yard this spring. Our goal is to keep adding gardening space until we have enough veggies to eat, can, freeze, and share.
Finally, We all discussed how we could draw more people's interest in this group if the name was changed. Most people are either confused or not interested in a group that has the word 'sustainability'.
One suggestion that was made was to either incorporate 'tag words' that would gather more interest...or call it something relating to 'organic gardening.'
Thoughts anyone?
Thanks for your feedback!
Wanda (P.S. Atlanta Beyond Oil meetup group is hosting their annual holiday party with re-use/re-gift exchange this Wednesday...Just find something around the house in good condition that you no longer want, wrap it up and bring it to the party along with a side dish and your drink of choice. The location is easy to get to from just about anywhere and both the hosts and guests are fabulous people!)

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