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Want to got to Dragon Con this weekend for FREE?!?!

From: Derek C.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 31, 2016, 3:59 PM

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had a few people cancel who were going to help out at Dragon Con's Skeptic events working with Mark on A/V. 

That means it is their loss and, potentially, YOUR gain!

So, if you want to come to Dragon Con for free, now is your chance. The only catch is that you will need to spend the bulk of your time within the events taking place in the Skeptic Track, (you are in the Atlanta Skeptics that should not be a hardship), that doesn't mean you will be forced to not go see some other 'fun' events, you just have to work out some times with Mark for the few things you might WANT to do with your fancy Dragon Con 30th Anniversary badge.

So, want something REALLY fun to do for the next few days? Want to put a 'tiny' but of labor into your labor day holiday and get to go to the World's Largest Culture Convention?

Sure you do!

What do you need to do to get this AMAZING free offer?

Easy, just send an e-mail to: [address removed] and let him know that you would love to come to Dragon Con and watch all the really cool Skeptics and events there. 

First come... first gets it!

Love, the Atlanta Skeptics team and your Dragon Con Skeptic Track Director!

Derek Colanduno




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