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Re: [AvidGolfersNJ] USGA Handicapping and NJSGA Membership

From: John E
Sent on: Sunday, April 3, 2016, 6:12 AM

Neil, I've looked through the GHIN database and can't find you.  Do you have a record of your GHIN number?

From what I'm reading online, your info gets wiped after being inactive for 3 years.

I can create a new one for you.  It's $30 for the session and I usually disable it in March off next year before the new season starts.  It will populate a handicap after 5 rounds. 




I left my Club ( Little Mill CC ) 6 years ago and I was battling some serious injuries. I am no longer a member and moved from the South Jersey area now here in Western NJ.

I need to ( I guess ) re-activate and not renew, since it's been so long.

Your thoughts?

From: "John E" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, March 28,[masked]:32:26 AM
Subject: [AvidGolfersNJ] USGA Handicapping and NJSGA Membership

Hey Golfers,

The New Jersey State Golf Association handicap season starts on April 1st.  Those of you needing to renew or looking to activate a new handicap service, please reach out to me.  Those of you looking to enter into our Annual Inter-Meetup Tournament in July will need an official handicap in order to participate.  

Those renewing can send me an email after sending payment.  Payment instructions at the bottom of this email.

*Acquire your official GHIN handicap

*Discounts on green fees at some of NJSGA registered golf courses
There are about 24 golf courses providing discounts to NJSGA members.  Some examples of courses are below.  Some mainly provide weekday discounts though a good handful provide discounts on weekends as well.
                Galloping Hill and Ashbrook Golf Course
                Mercer Oaks Golf Course
                Princeton Country Club
                Beaver Brook CC
                Colts Nick Golf Club
                Gambler Ridge Golf Course
                Knob Hill Golf Course
                Twisted Dunes Golf Club
                Wild Turkey
*Member Golf Days at private clubs
Play golf at private clubs with NJSGA.  Golf Course line-up has 9 courses so far.  They will be adding a few more for this year.
                  Hidden Creek GC - Egg Harbor Township, NJ            
                  Echo Lake CC - Westfield, NJ
                  Essex Fells CC - Essex Fells, NJ
                  Cherry Valley CC - Skillman, NJ
                  Morris County GC - Morristown,NJ
                  Roxiticus GC - Mendham, NJ
                  The Ridge at Back Brookl - Ringoes, NJ
                  Eagle Oaks G & CC - Farmingdale, NJ

*Enter into NJSGA Tournaments (low handicap required for most tournaments)

Last year's rate was $28.  USGA raised their price by $2 beginning this season so the new rate is $30.  Most golf courses charge $35-$50 for the same service.

Though most of us will not play in tournaments, you can join NJSGA to take advantage of the discounts.  Most of their listed golf courses which have a special rate or or discount will save you around 20% off green fees which will easily get your $30 membership fee back after about 2 rounds.

If you're interested or have questions, please reply to [address removed]Do not hit reply all.

You can pay using PayPal.  Send $30 to [address removed] and select "send to family and friends".  If you don't have PayPal, you can use your financial institution's P2P (person to person) payment and send money to my email as well. If you would like to mail a check, email me and i can forward you further instructions. 


John Estrella Jr.

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