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Day Hike in Yosemite this Saturday! ~ Hiking options for all levels

From: Suzhi-Q
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2012, 10:13 PM

Hi Outdoor Enthusiasts,

Join me in Yosemite this coming Saturday on an interpretive guided hike in Yosemite with yoga if you want it!  Options for all levels.  This hike is breathtaking and I can guarantee that you will fall in love with May Lake!

We will meet at 9:00am at the May Lake parking lot and hike in together in a professional and guided fashion with Y Explore.  This is an interpretive hike so you actually get all of the history and information on the beauty that you are witnessing and all of the wildlife (trees, flowers and such).

Easy option ~ May Lake ~ we will all hike together to this location (1.5 miles each way)

Intermediate option ~ Raisin Lake ~ this is optional or you can stay at May Lake  (2.5 miles each way)

Advanced option ~ Mount Hoffman ~ this is optional or you can stay at May Lake ( 3 miles each way)


Book directly with YExplore as they need to book guides accordingly

I am more than happy to help you organize a carpool option and tell you of places that you can camp out if you want to.

In addition, I will be going to an awesome concert at Mtn. Sage after the hike and you are welcome to join me.

Call me if you have any questions[masked] or email me at [address removed]

I hope that some of you can join me as this is an amazing hike and seriously one of the hidden gems of Yosemite!

