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[Reminder - Weekly Persian Poetry Hangout] on Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From: Ray
Sent on: Monday, June 2, 2008, 4:20 PM
P.S. You are getting this in ...  Event 1  
Weekly Persian 
Poetry Hangou ... When  Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm  Arrivals and warm up  ... 6:30 Start Please email if coming later than 7:00.  ... The zeroth Persian Poetry Hangout takes  ... The plan is - with everyone's help - to  ...  Content / 
Any Persian poetry from anyone, that  ... A work from a classical Persian poet. Cu ... For the zeroth session, (May 13) we will ... Here are the links for the text: Zahhak  ... 1 12 Where   
Palo Alto Cafe 2675 Middlefield Rd # A, Palo Alto, CA (650)[masked] 
 Map and Directions This venue is chosen because of its loca ... Support them by ordering what you like.  ... How to find each other Look for each other in the cafe.  
If yo ... <img src="./Rhyton1.jpg" width=150 heigh ... Cup from the Hekhamaneshi period. Who Whoever got this email from me or someon ... For guests, all nationalities, genders,  ... What not to expect This event won't be a class, a lecture,  ... This is an off-net event not announced o ... Not a forum for political / religious he ... This is a free event, so no admissions c ...   
 Event 2 - Open Topics Over Doogh !
 w ... When  On Thursdays, *except* the third Thursd ... However, to start off, in May 2008 we w ...  Content /
 Format For variety, bring any topic, thoughts,  ... Where For now, the Starbucks Coffee Shop insid ... Map And Directions If you have a better or other fave place ... RSVP: In the unlikely case that no one e ... Optional Dinner   
Whoever is so moved, can join for din ... <img src="Doogh.jpg" width=150 height=20 ... RSVP by the end of Wednesday, and 
try t ... RSVP for dindin Whispering Hint: How to undermine or byp ...  Event 3 - Monthly Sunday Poetry Once a month, Poetry. On a Sunday At Cafe Borrone in Menlo Park. From 2:30 to 5:00 pm. This is a Meetup event. For more information, see  Bay Area Iranians Meetup Calendar  Frequently Unasked Question   
Q.    What is the relationship betwee ... A.     Friendship. 

The Hangout is a we ...  Pease note: At least for the time being, Event 1 and ...  Housekeeping If you need a cell phone number to call  ... One can subscribe to get future messages ... Subscribe  Reminders - All info needed for May 200 ...  To stop getting further emails, you can ...  I will not sell your email address.  If anything on this page does not work  ... Cheers, Reza ©2008 Ray Seddigh  
flag Doostan Salam,

Here is a reminder for the Weekly Persian Poetry Hangout (Version 0.1)

bookmark Enrich the event with your stellar presence.
xmag Specifics are below.



Weekly Persian Poetry Hangout (Version 0.1)

bell When

Tuesday June 3, 2008
 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Arrivals and warm up / social.
 6:30 Start

 Please email if coming later than 7:00. In the very rare case that no one else shows up by 7:00, and there are no RSVPs
 indicating a later arrival, the event may end.

attach Content / Format

full-1 Any Persian poetry from anyone, that people want to bring and share. Roughly half the session.
full-2 A work from a classical Persian poet. Currently this is Shahnameh by Ferdowsi. It could be another poet later. Other half of the session.

For the this session, (June 3) we will look at the destiny and the very end of Zahhak and begin the story of Freydoon.
Here are the links for the text. One can print and bring the pages for one's use. If you have the Shahnameh book, that works too
Zahhak 16   Freydoon 1   Freydoon 2 .


Palo Alto Cafe
2675 Middlefield Rd # A,
Palo Alto, CA
(650) [masked]
This venue is chosen because of its location, space, relative quietness, accessible Wi-Fi, and friendly Iranian owners. I have no affiliation with this establishment.
Support them by ordering what you like (note: they only take cash).

Quick Summary of the Previous Session

        Many great, random points were brought up by everyone, here's a small sample.
        Content depends largely on the participants.

  1. Zahhaks emerge throughout history because of ignorance, which can be reduced through knowledge, kherad, and learning from great minds and daanaayan.

  2. The Shahnameh is useful in today's everyday life. It is highly energizing. It provides a rich variety of time-tested cases and behavioral models for many of life's specific situations. A person/group/society may draw on these for happy and blossoming outcomes in various situations. Some specific models in the story of Zahhak were discussed.

  3. Mehr and Mitraism, their interplay and contrast in the story.

  4. There is also an erfaani way of reading the story of Zahhak and the Shahnameh.

  5. More discussion about zan-khodaee and mard-khodaee in the story of Zahhak, clues for spotting these trends today, and the responses to them according
    to the Shahnameh. To be continued.

  6. Logical, verbal, emotional, knowledge-based, and visual methods of interacting with the world. The visual world-view through symbols in the Shahnameh.

  7. Farhang = Far + ahang  =  moving forward.

  8. The story's suggestions for facing and hindrances and obstacles.

  9. Does even Zahhak have any rights?  The sacredness of any and all life.

  10. Discussion of Khayyam, Ghazzali, others. Many fun, insightful one-liner verses, nokteh, and jokes were shared.

  11. This was a fun session. Honors to all, especially those who came from afar.  This session was dedicated to Behzad and Ali, who braved the roads and brought their
    gracious presence all the way from Marin to Palo Alto to this meeting and participated energetically.

How to Find Each Other

Look for each other in the cafe. If you are new, look for the table with this object on it:

Cup from the Hekhamaneshi period.

What not to Expect

  • This event won't be a class, a lecture, a recital, or a performance. Everyone helps create the event together.
  • Not a forum for political / religious heated debates.
  • This is a free event, so no admissions charge.


Whoever got this email from me or someone I know, is welcome to show up. Guests are ok too.
For guests, all nationalities, genders, ethnicities, ages, and all levels of familiarity with Persian poetry (even zero or hyper knowledgeable) are welcome. 

P.S. Some of you are getting this info cuz we have met and you shared an interest in the topic.

This email message originally included an attachment.