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Foothill College COIN-065.-01: Using Cascading Style Sheets for Design

From: Newton C
Sent on: Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 5:27 AM
Greetings Everyone,

Can you help promote my class this Winter 2010 @ Foothill College?
January 04 - March 26, 2010

5 Units
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) have changed the focus of web development
from presentation to structure. This class will discuss separating web
content from formatting so that the resulting markup will render more
quickly and, through the use of CSS, be presented in a variety of user
agents. The class is designed for students who intend to pursue a web
development career or for those who want a more advanced understanding of
web site creation to enhance their own work or career path. Basic concepts
include XHTML markup, methods of styling a document, CSS syntax, fonts and
text, positioning elements, basic and advanced page layout and interface
components. Cross-browser CSS rendering differences in both standard and
quirk modes will also be covered.

Four hours lecture, four hours laboratory.
2311??????? LEC??????? 6:00PM- 9:50??????? M??????? CHAN??????? ROOM#4223

Thanks & Enjoy your Holidays!

Newton Chan
CTIS Division
Foothill College

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