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New Meetup: Group photography exhibit: Discussion and next steps

From: Amber
Sent on: Friday, September 24, 2010, 5:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bend Photographers Group!

What: Group photography exhibit: Discussion and next steps

When: Thursday, October 7,[masked]:15 PM

Where: 900 Wall
900 Wall St.
Bend, OR 97701

Based on the ?Idea? that I posted a few days ago for a group exhibit, it seems that there?s enough interest to warrant an in-person discussion to sort out the details.

Let?s get together to share ideas and come up with a plan of action, including:
-Materials needed for a promo packet
-Printing and framing

Bring all of your ideas and an open mind. As this is the first exhibit for the group, and for many of us individually, there?s a lot to figure out. But that?s also the beauty of it: we have the freedom to create what we want.

We have a reservation at 8:15 p.m., and you?re welcome to buy food and drink if you?d like. For anyone attending ?software night? directly before this, we can mosey over together; otherwise, feel free to meet us at 8:15. The reservation is under Amber.

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