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October Breakfast is coming soon!

From: Sarah G.
Sent on: Monday, October 15, 2012, 1:27 PM
Good Morning, Bootstrappers!

Next Wednesday, October 24th, is our October Bootstrappers Breakfast, and I'd love to see you there. 

If you haven't been before, each "Bootstrappers Breakfast" consists of a few small, moderated discussions of 7-8 bootstrappers each.  It's a great place to give and get advice, as well as to meet other people who are working through the same challenges as you.  

Every month, I'm inspired by the generous sharing that goes on, as well as by all the people who are out there making it happen.  The breakfasts focus on discussions and advice, not product pitching, so they've got a great signal-to-noise ratio, and people always leave looking really happy. 

Unlike other meetups which start with a moderator's introduction, BB starts at 7:30 as the individual discussions kick off -- so if you come, get there a bit early to grab some food, and then find a table so you don't miss anything!

I hope to see you there! 




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