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Scheduling movies and Rocco and his Brothers at the Brattle

From: Shirley
Sent on: Monday, December 28, 2015, 9:04 AM

Happy Holidays everyone.

Yesterday, at our Big Short Meetup, the movie is wonderful by the way, a few people told me that they would like to schedule movies, but they don't want the responsibility of being an organizer.  So, I am extending this offer to everyone.  If there's a movie you would like to see with the group, let me know and, if at all possible, I will schedule and organize it.  You can reach me through this e-mail.

Second, this weekend I saw the Visconti movie, Rocco and his Brothers, at the Brattle.  A movie made in the 60's, it was recently restored by a team headed by Scorcese.  This particular movie inspired many moviemakers who came after, including, of course, Scorcese and Tarantino.  It's a 3-hour experience that I wholeheartedly recommend to everyone in the group.  The Brattle is showing it many times in December and January.  If you do go to see it, make sure you are well-rested and perhaps bring a snack.  But it's everything a movie should be.

Again, happy holidays.  When I think about all the blessings I've received this past year, this group counts as one of the best.
