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New Meetup: Vermeer, Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art

From: Steve
Sent on: Saturday, August 1, 2009, 12:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The ORIGINAL Vancouver British Expats Group!

What: Vermeer, Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art

When: August 11,[masked]:30 PM

Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby St
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H7

A little Euro culture. OK it's not British but at least its European.

Naval battles and pastoral landscapes, grand houses and fish markets, sumptuous materialism and spartan piety?all are represented at the Vancouver Art Gallery this summer. Vermeer, Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art introduces us to 17th-century life and culture in the Dutch Republic. Carefully organized into eight sections, it reveals the social, political, economic, and religious conditions of the time and place.

The exhibition, assembled for the VAG by an international team of curators and administrators, boasts 128 paintings, drawings, prints, and decorative artworks from Amsterdam?s famed Rijksmuseum.

Tuesdays are pay what you can night, suggested entry fee is $10.

I suggest meeting up a the Elephant & Castle (385 Burrard St,[masked]) at around 7.30 for some refreshment to further quench our thirst for culture.


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