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Lowell Thomas added a post

From: Lowell T.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 10:28 AM
Guys, some people who wanted to attend our next meeting on November 30 were running into conflicts because of Halloween, so I changed the date to December 6. I felt badly about doing this on my own initiative because the group did vote to meet on the 30th, but changing the date myself seemed better--due to the timeliness involved--than emailing everyone who was at the last meeting and asking for a new vote. If anyone thinks I should be thrashed, well, come to our next meeting.

It's really important to me that you RSVP, at least if you plan to come. Even if you know where I live, I still ask that you RSVP. Doing so serves two functions. It tells me who is coming to my house, and the more people we have who plan to attend, the more other people will want to attend.

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