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New Meetup: A Mercy by Toni Morrison

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 9:04 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cambridge Book Club!

What: A Mercy by Toni Morrison

When: January 19,[masked]:30 PM

Au Bon Pain
684 Massachusetts Ave [Central Square]
Cambridge , MA 02139

Nobel laureate Morrison returns more explicitly to the net of pain cast by slavery, a theme she detailed so memorably in Beloved. Set at the close of the 17th century, the book details America's untoward foundation: dominion over Native Americans, indentured workers, women and slaves. the horrible sacrifice a mother makes to protect her child, the deadly vanity of benevolent slaveholders, the abandonment of a past too painful to remember. But this is a smaller, more delicate novel, a fusion of mystery, history and longing that stands alongside Beloved as a unique triumph in Morrison's body of work. (224 pages)

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