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Live Cassandra Webinar with Patrick McFadin: December 12th,[masked]:00am CST

From: Brady G.
Sent on: Thursday, December 5, 2013, 1:55 PM

Join DataStax’s Chief Cassandra Evangelist, Patrick McFadin (@PatrickMcFadin) on Thursday December 12th, 2013 at 11:00am CST for a live webinar session. Patrick will be diving into some example Cassandra 2.0 data models and going through tuning steps, to understand tradeoffs.

This live webinar will conclude with a full-length Q&A session, to ensure everyone’s Cassandra questions are answered.

Be sure to RSVP here if you already haven’t:

I hope you can join us!



Functional data models are great, but how can you squeeze out more performance and make them awesome! Let's talk through some example Cassandra 2.0 models, go through the tuning steps and understand the tradeoffs. Many time's just a simple understanding of the underlying Cassandra 2.0 internals can make all the difference. I've helped some of the biggest companies in the world do this and I can help you. Do you feel the need for Cassandra 2.0 speed?


About Patrick McFadin

Prior to working for DataStax, Patrick was the Chief Architect at Hobsons, an education services company. His responsibilities included ensuring product availability and scaling for all higher education products. Prior to this position, he was the Director of Engineering at Hobsons which he came to after they acquired his company, Link-11 Systems, a software services company. While at Link-11 Systems, he built the first widely popular CRM system for universities, Connect. He obtained a BS in Computer Engineering from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and holds the distinction of being the only recipient of a medal (asanyone can find out) for hacking while serving in the US Navy.



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