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Doggie Etiquette reminder

From: Lynne, Baby and B.
Sent on: Friday, June 21, 2013, 11:57 AM

Dear Members,

Since we are going out for a nice dinner tonight, I thought I would do an email to remind everyone of the doggie etiquette that we must follow.  Please understand that we hold ourselves to a high reputation and always want to be welcomed back to the restaurants and other establishments in the area.  Sadly, if you don't follow the etiquette, you may be asked to leave the group.  Some restaurants are more relaxed than others, so if you are with us, we can let you know.  When visiting restaurants with this group, remember to be patient, we are a large group and tip generously please.  Normally your wait staff work overtime to keep us happy!  Thank you to all of you for understanding and supporting this group!

*Dogs must not touch the table at any time.  Please sit far enough away from the table that the pup will not touch while on your lap.

*Dogs must be on leashes at all times and not allowed to run around.  Exemptions are the pups that stay in the strollers or in your lap the whole time and don't touch the ground.

*Dogs may not eat off of your utensils or drink out of your glasses.  They are not allowed by law to touch anything another human would be touching.  I will be bringing water cups for those of you that don't have one yet from the group.

*If you place your pup in the chair, must be on a blanket so that they do not touch the chair.

*Please, Please, Please curb your dog prior to coming to the restaurant.  There is a patch of grass out front of the building.  Bring bags and clean up immediately afterwards.

*Do not allow your dog to bark.  Pups should be seen and not heard at restaurants.  Dog parks are game on for barking!

*Please do not feed someone else's dog unless you know them and have their permission to do.  We do have pups with allergies or dietary restrictions.

*If you need to go to the restroom, one of the other members will be glad to watch your pup for you.  No dogs allowed inside the restaurant unless they are service dogs and have their tag visible.


Thank you,



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