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RE:Forms in App Engine Magic

From: Alex H.
Sent on: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 9:23 PM
I've located some sort of bug with AppEngine Magic and forms.

When I lein appengine-prepare a the guestbook example, I keep getting the error message
that compojure/core.clj is not found in my classpath.

I checked lein classpath to see all my classpaths, and cloned Compojure off github, and copied it into the guestbook/src/guestbook directory so that along with core.clj and app_servlet.clj there is a compojure directory with core.clj in it so it is compojure/core.clj.

Still lein appengine-prepare does not find it.  I tried jarring Compojure and putting the jarfile in guestbook/lib/dev with other jar files and still it does not find it.

I understand classpaths, I know exactly the file it is talking about, I'm manually placing it where it's supposed to be, and for some reason the system is not finding it.

As a result I cannot use Compojure to make web forms so all I have deployed is a web page, not a web application.  Any insights?  What am I doing wrong?

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [Clojure-NYC] Speaker for this Wednesdays meetup...
Date: Thu, 16 Dec[masked]:42:53 -0500

John thanks for writing and no problem -- Constantine's stuff is great so I managed to do it.

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: RE: [Clojure-NYC] Speaker for this Wednesdays meetup...
Date: Wed, 15 Dec[masked]:36:57 -0500

Hi Alex,
Apologies for my tutorial being so out of date. Unfortunately I believe Compojure changed incompatibly, and I haven't had a chance to go back and rewrite the whole thing. (The GAE SDK may also have changed.) I'm hoping I'll be able to revisit in January, but at the moment I have no bandwidth for this.
-- typed with my thumbs
On Dec 14,[masked]:56 AM, "Alex Haliasos" <[address removed]> wrote:

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