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Just a few important notes

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 12:24 AM

Greetings all,

We've had a few new members join recently and I also just wanted to send out a reminder on a few items for everyone else:

To date I've handed out around 80 DVLUP tokens, and around half of those went to people not members of the group.  So that tells me there could be a large number of people here without Nokia DVLUP accounts!

Of course, some I'm sure took advantage of the Pointstravaganza challenge, but I still don't see the level of activity I should see based on this group's size.  In fact I've only seen posts and leaderboard appearances from a handful of folks here.

So come on, gang-- Nokia's giving you FREE STUFF for something you were already doing or planning on doing: developing apps.  So there's really no excuse... if you haven't signed up for DVLUP yet, go for it!  Either use the Pointstravaganza code or ask me for a token.  And if you have any doubt or questions, by all means share them with me!

And I hate to harp on the app count thing, but there are still many people who told me they had apps published or in process recently who have not shared their app info.  I'm ready to reward you above and beyond the DVLUP incentives, so don't hold back!  Info:

And of course I extended my other contest, so make sure you have those details:

Finally, I've got some Nokia Premium Developer tokens to award, so keep an eye on emails and tweets!

So to the 40 or so silent members: don't be shy!  I'm here to help you any way I can.  Let's talk!

And again I really appreciate the responses I've received so far.

Thanks all,


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