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Re: [ruby-81] Re: Pros + cons of various testing frameworks...

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:16 AM
Along those same lines I've heard in a presentation once to start testing from the log entries. You could even take the log entries generated by your smoke test which report parameters and results.


-- Sent from my Palm Pr��

Chad Woolley wrote:

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Steve Midgley<[address removed]> wrote:
> Whatever framework you decide to use, one tip that might be helpful in
> building legacy tests, is to start with your "smoke tests." You could build
> a lot of: "Given this set of parameters, this GET request should return
> 200-Ok, and in the resulting HTML there should be an input tag with this
> value." This sets some a baseline harness around your system to define it's
> behavior in the most fundamental way (these parameters in, this html out).
> It's not the ideal way to build TDD from the ground up, but I've found it
> can help to give you some control over your overall environment, so that as
> you change code, you can be confident that your major functionality hasn't
> just failed.

Yes, this is a very good point. If you really must write tests for
your existing code, start with some high-level 'happy path' tests of
the flow of your external user interface. This can avoid the catch-22
of lower-level unit tests forcing you to refactor when you don't have
any tests to catch bugs.

-- Chad

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