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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Open spots left for Winter indoor volleyball (starts the first week of January, but registration closes this week!

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 8, 2015, 5:58 PM

Open spots left for Winter indoor volleyball (starts the first week of January, but registration closes this week!  Let us know if you want in and/or go online and register right away!

Monday: Room for 2-4 Men’s A 4 teams or singles to form teams.
Monday: Room for 2 women’s BB/A 4 teams or singles to form teams.

Tuesday: Coed A 4 team needs 1 girl
Tuesday: Room for 2-4 coed A 4 teams or singles to form teams.
Tuesday: Room for 2-4 coed BB 4 teams or singles to form teams.
Tuesday: Room for 2-4 Coed B 6 teams or singles to form teams.
Tuesday: NEW B/BB learning league needs both B and BB players…see details online.

Wednesday: Coed A 4 team needs 1 guy and 1 girl
Wednesday: Coed A 4 team needs 2 guys or 1 guy and 1 girl
Wednesday: Room for EITHER 2 coed A 4 teams or 2 Women BB/A teams or singles to form teams
Wednesday: Women’s BB/A 4 team needs 2 women

Thursday: Coed A trips 3-person) team needs 1 guy or 1 strong girl
Thursday: Room for 1-3 Coed A trips 3-person) teams
Thursday: 1 Coed BB 4 team needs 2 guys, and another team needs 1 guy
Thursday: Room for 1 coed BB 4 team or singles to form a team
Thursday: Room for 1 coed B 6 teams


The Colorado Volleyball Connection