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BB or A guy needed for a coed BB 4 team on Tuesdays -Indoor court in 'wheat Ridge

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Thursday, December 31, 2015, 10:29 AM

Hey Players,

We have a team in need of a full time player on Tuesday nights at the rMac in Wheat Ridge. This is a coed BB 4 team, running 10 weeks starting this week (January 5th - March 8th). Game time are 7:30 or 8:30 pm shared.  Fees are $75 for teams of 6, $90 for teams of 4.


If you want this spot, be the first to go online and register for it! Go to www.coloradovolleyball, click on the upper tab marked "online registration) and choose the league you desire. YOu can either pay there with Paypal or call my cell below to use a credit card.



The Colorado Volleyball Connection

[masked] cellular.