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Miscellaneous Annluncements

From: Naomi B. R.
Sent on: Friday, May 18, 2018, 5:11 AM

Our next meetup will be another “Meet Our Members” evening. Please email Naomi at nbr-graphs dot com if you would like to give a short presentation. The length will be determined by the number of good proposals I receive. Include your name, email address, a few sentences about the topic you would like to speak about, and dates this summer when you will be away.

Upcoming conferences of interest to our members:
JupyterCon returns to New York August 21-24. At JupyterCon, learn how teams of data scientists, business analysts, and researchers use the Notebook and other Jupyter tools to create self-documenting analysis and apps, transform workflows, and build organization-wide collaboration. Discover how to scale analytics to create business value from data and transform your organization at JupyterCon. Data Visualizaton New York members get 20% discount with code PCDVZNY. Best price ends May 24.

The Strata Conference will be held in New York on September 11 -13. See The same code, PCDVZNY, will provide a 20% discount.

50 Free OPEN Passes to DeveloperWeek NYC 2018
DeveloperWeek NYC 2018 (June 18-20, Brooklyn Expo Center) is the East Coast's largest developer technology innovation conference with 3,000+ participants. DeveloperWeek NYC includes 100+ workshops, sessions, and talks across Artificial Intelligence Dev, FinTech Dev, JavaScript, APIs & Microservices, and more. It also features 30+ innovators exhibiting at the DeveloperWeek NYC Expo.

You must register by 11:59 pm on May 31 (or before we run out) to get your free OPEN Pass or SAVE $200 on your PRO Pass.

To register, go to

Promotional code MU566, with a $200 discount, will automatically be applied to your order making your OPEN Pass completely free -- or use the discount towards an all-access PRO Pass.

Your OPEN Pass will give you access to all OPEN sessions, keynotes, the Expo floor, and Mentor Mixers.

If you use your $200 discount towards a PRO Pass, you will get unlimited access to all of DeveloperWeek NYC 2018, including all sessions, workshops and talks.

To get your free OPEN Pass or discounted PRO Pass you must register at by 11:59 pm on May 31 (or before we run out).

Your OPEN Pass will give you access to all OPEN sessions, keynotes, the Expo floor, and Mentor Mixers.

If you use your $200 discount towards a PRO Pass, you will get unlimited access to all of DeveloperWeek NYC 2018, including all sessions, workshops and talks.

To get your free OPEN Pass or discounted PRO Pass you must register at by 11:59 pm on May 31 (or before we run out).

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