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New Meetup: Little Cottonwood Canyon: Red Pine Lake

From: Lori L.
Sent on: Friday, September 17, 2010, 4:50 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Davis County Hiking Meetup Group!

What: Little Cottonwood Canyon: Red Pine Lake

When: Saturday, October 2,[masked]:00 AM

Where: White Pine Trailhead
5.6 Miles up LCC South Side of the road
Circleville, UT 84092

Red Pine Lake begins at the White Pine trailhead up Little Cottonwood Canyon. The trailhead is well defined, has good parking and a restroom.

Distance: 7 miles
Hike time: 5 hours
Elevation gain: 2040

This popular trail ranks among the prettiest of the Wasatch Mountains' high alpine lake hikes. Dogs are not allowed in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Red Pine Lake sits near the rugged crest that separates Little Cottonwood and American Fork Canyons. It sits just below some of the Wasatch's 11,000 foot peaks. Beautiful alpine environment.

The White Pine trailhead sits on the south side of the road 5.6 miles up Little
Cottonwood Canyon, past Tanner?s Campground.

Bring plenty of water and snacks for the day. I suggest lunch, camera, good hiking shoes, a light jacket, depending on the weather.

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