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RE: [denver-rpg] Seeking a game or to start one

From: Craig
Sent on: Friday, April 9, 2010, 5:10 PM
If it's not too much trouble, could this discussion be moved to a shortened list of people who have already responded.

--- On Fri, 4/9/10, George <[address removed]> wrote:

From: George <[address removed]>
Subject: RE: [denver-rpg] Seeking a game or to start one
To: [address removed]
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 7:06 PM

Dibs on one of those spots! :)
Plans have changed for me - the wife and I had dinner early, so I should be able to make it down there.  I'll hope to see you guys at 7pm.
And Quinn; does this count as mailing you directly?
george mattson, it manager
the westin tabor center
1672 lawrence street
denver, colorado 80202
tel[masked] cell[masked] fax[masked]

From: Cyn0sure [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Friday, April 09,[masked]:29 PM
To: Phil Adams; Dynath Kajira
Cc: [address removed]; Mattson, George; Phillip; Silkwyrm; Caed Aldwych; Kelly Lee Phipps; Mat Morton (DM Thraxxis); Michael Knight; [address removed]
Subject: Re: [denver-rpg] Seeking a game or to start one

Actually, I'm the GM who has one, maybe two, player slots available in his post-apocalypse RPG campaign.
As I said, we're using the Darwin's World setting. (If you've played the video game Fallout 3, then you have a very good idea of what this is like.)

The RPG system we're using is True20, with some house rules to make the combat a little more grim and gritty.
The timeline is 100 years or so after the apocalypse. The player characters are all members of the Phoenix Project, whose mission is to "rise from the ashes of the apocalypse", to explore the wastelands, and to help restore order and society.

So far, our group consists of four players and the GM, age range late 20's to early 40's, laid-back and down-to-earth. We meet every other Friday evening
at my place in Arvada, near the intersection of 80th & Wadsworth.
If you're interested, e-mail me directly...
- Quinn
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Adams
Sent: Friday, April 09,[masked]:59 PM
Subject: Re: [denver-rpg] Seeking a game or to start one

Sorry for the confusion! I'm not looking for a group right now (I'm already running four groups!). I was just agreeing that Darwin's World is a nicely-done, well-supported setting. It is d20 Modern, which might be a deal-killer for some folks, but I didn't find it to be. I do wish everyone luck on this! If someone finds themselves still looking after this, one of my groups meets every other Sunday, 1-7 PM. We could probably handle one more player. It's a home-brewed sci-fi setting currently using True20. We may switch that down the road (Traveller? Savage Worlds?), but I'm enjoying the familiarity, lethality, and quickness of it so far.

Phil Adams

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