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Re: [East-Bay-L-E-A-P-S] Ozone therapy

From: kim F.
Sent on: Sunday, August 14, 2016, 11:11 AM
Hi Angela ,

Wow -  thank you so much for all the great info on different ozone treatments and your experience!!!

So glad to hear you are doing good and that it helped because it gave me hope that one day I may get well. My LLMD just recommended a doctor 20 minutes from my house that specializes in ozone and awesome other things I am interested in.  I have googled ozone doctors a million different times but never heard of this doctor - I guess it just goes to show NEVER give up fighting to get well!!

I would love to hear more about your experience at life works. I would be there in a heartbeat if I could afford it because my daughter and I r disabled now from Lyme.

Thanks again ,
[address removed]

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:04 PM, Angela Arthur <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Kim, I couldnt email you directly, so Im copy pasting my ozone experiences here:

For the TL;DR crowd: Yes to ozone.  MAH is gentle but effective but you have to do a lot of it to get same results; Direct ozone:  Herx city; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation with Ozone:  FAST RESULTS; Ozone sauna; also amazing.  

Never did the rectal insufflations, but my cousin who had terrible bowel problems did and the  improvement was instant.  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Angela Arthur <[address removed]>
Date: Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [East-Bay-L-E-A-P-S] Hyperbaric oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone therapy
To: "" <>

Hi, I was terribly ill like many of us, and was in the easy bay meetup until I went to Florida to get treatment at Lifeworks Wellness in Clearwater.

I have been meaning to outline the treatments that worked really well for me--and have not yet done so for various reasons, but this email made me realize that i must do so--

Please keep in mind, none of these treatments were done "in a vacuum", that's to say, I was on a full treatment protocol, but I assume everyone receiving this email is already on some kind of protocol and constantly tweaking, adding/subtracting treatments like we all must do.

I did several forms of ozone. Here's what I tried, and how much it cost at Lifeworks at the time of treatment (2013-early 2015). 

The prices do change sometimes based on increased costs (for example, in 2014 laws about Meyers cocktails changed, and they have to be individually prescribed. And it increased both staff time and the wholesale cost doctors have to pay to get it)

Additionally, at Lifeworks, you get like a 10% discount if you buy a package of 10 treatments.

--MAH, aka major auto hemotherapy. $125

They take out 200 ccs of blood, mix it with a certain % concentration of ozone, then infuse it back into you.  



--Direct ozone$95

Where they fill a large syringe with x% of ozone and put it straight into your vein. 
(I don't have any photos of that--it's a quick but very "involved" treatment and it's hard to get photos cuz you're almost tete a tete with the nurse while she's doing it). 

So here's a photo instead of me on the exam table getting something injected into my belly button. 

My belly button is extremely tender and I was very scared, so he gave me these "extremely sophisticated medical handles" to grip on to. They call that prolozone therapy and it also costs $125/session. I think I got 4-6 injections that session.


--Hocatt ozone sauna$150
it's a 30-45 min treatment where you sit in this "egg" type sauna with just your head sticking out. It heats up and releases I think carbonic acid as steam, then ozone. Once you're in, they put a cannula with flowing oxygen in your nose, and have you drink water with infused with a special mineral supplement. 


--UVBI, aka ultraviolet blood irradiation. $195

They remove 60ccs of blood, add saline, then ozone, then it is spun through a lamp with a prescribed spectrum of UV light (one spectrum is for infections and a different spectrum for those with  cancer), and it's reinfused back into you. 


I did a lot of other non-ozone treatments as well. 

If I was forced to choose only 1 treatment to be able to have for the rest of my life and nothing else: it would be UVBI (with the saline and ozone--not every practitioner does it that way)

If I could choose 2 treatments and nothing else: UVBI and the Hocatt ozone sauna. 

Several fellow patients got go much benefit out of the Hocatt they purchased one. Some others were going to band together I think to get one, and if I can swing it--I'd like to get one and have looked into opening some kind of sauna business in order both to share the AMAZINGNESS and to subsidize myself to be able to have it.

I hope this helps! 

And just really quick--don't give up! I was as sick an anyone. Couldn't drive, couldn't work, could barely walk. Had started using a cane and was on my way to a power chair. So light and sound sensitive that even riding in a car for a few minutes was torture. In bed 20-22 hrs per day and in excruciating pain all the time. Too tired to chew my food. I would have to take breaks in between to rest and catch my breath.  Too weak to hold a glass of water to my mouth. 

Even after I started the super intensive treatment at Lifeworks it was 12 months before I was able to go into a grocery store and actually shop. 

Now--I'm driving, I cook, I shop for groceries and carry them home, I'm traveling on my own, I walk! I went on a 45 min walk with my dog yesterday!!!! 

I'm not quite back at work yet but very, very close and will be soon! 

I went to an outdoor wedding and was there from 3 pm until late. I danced, I socialized, all of it. I drove there by myself, after getting off a plane the night before and getting little sleep!! (I remember feeling like--is this really happening? Did I really just do that?)

Don't give up!!!!



Ps: if you're thinking about Lifeworks and can get the funds--do it. I saw miracles, absolute miracles while I was there. They treat everything, not just Lyme. That makes it much better in my opinion for a lot of reasons. 

This one teenage girl who had been on the pre-Olympic swim team then got sick and was diagnosed with Ehlos-Danos. She was bedridden, in constant excruciating pain, and homeschooled. All her doctors told her it would only get worse and she'd be in a wheelchair soon.

Omg--a year after starting at Lifeworks. she was attending community college and riding her bike to school everyday. 

Not the least of which--to see people coming in with Parkinson's and MS, getting "treated" for that, of course, almost invariably, Dr. Minkoff finds they have Lyme. Once they start getting treated for Lyme--my god--their progress skyrockets. 

Just--the most amazing things.....I wouldn't have believed it unless I had seen it with my own Eyes. 

Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 27, 2016, at 7:36 PM, Andrew <[address removed]> wrote:

I am currently using it. 35% hydrogen peroxide, purchased on Amazon, 10 drops in a small amount of water, in the middle of the night when my stomach is completely empty.

I seem to have a herx reaction with it, whenever I take it, it's pretty intense. I believe it's causing candida die off and subsequent heavy metals release. I'm caught in the loop with that right now. Otherwise I'd use Hyd peroxide 3 times a day , as I've heard many stories of healing from Lyme within 2 or 3 weeks using it.


On Friday, February 26, 2016, Molly <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask about this at the last meeting, but couldn't make it there. I'm wondering if anyone has tried these therapies, and whether they've helped. Also, how much they cost? Any information would be appreciated.

Thanks very much and happy weekend,


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On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Angela Arthur <[address removed]> wrote:
Ozone therapies are what got me well.  I will dig up the group email I sent a while back and forward it to you.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 2:38 PM, kim Forsberg <> wrote:
Has anyone tried ozone therapy for Lyme or have opinions on it??

Considering going to A Dr in Santa Rosa who specializes in it but it is a fortune and not sure if it works or another one of those
" miracle cures" .

Thank you

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