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Re: [Eastside-Camera-Club] Columbus Camera Group, Inc. - Eric Mehl

From: Jeff L.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 4:51 PM
i do have equipment to sell - Medium format camera and lens and others. i do not see Eric's email address to contact him. where will he be locating in Seattle? jeff

On Wednesday, June 4,[masked]:09 PM, Susan Hiles <[address removed]> wrote:

I received the email below recently.
Please contact Eric directly if you are interested in selling any of your equipment.

Columbus Camera Group,inc, an ASMP affiliate member, is coming to Seattle area to buy camera gear. Our senior buyer, Eric Mehl, will be there from June 12 through June 28th, 2014, and will be making appointments before and during his stay to inspect and buy photo equipment.We are currently buying used 35mm, medium format, and large format cameras, lenses and accessories. We buy digital cameras, backs and accessories as well. In addition , we buy current or past generation digital cameras, lenses and accessories. We do buy select lighting and grip gear.Currently, we are not buying darkroom,very old lighting and old printers or scanners.If you have a question as to what you wish to sell, you are welcome you to contact Eric. We do encourage sellers to make an appointment in advance.

Our contact information:

Eric Mehl, senior buyer

Columbus Camera Group,inc.

55 East Blake Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 43202


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