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Upcoming events

From: Shiraz
Sent on: Monday, June 22, 2015, 2:35 PM

Hey Wizards,

Spiritual Speed Dating is this Sunday and we have about 30 people signed up between 3 groups. It's in Trinity Bellwoods Park and I'll be using my influence to bring in sun for the day, so it'll be a fun event. There are, however, more girls than guys signed up, so I'm encouraging the guys in the group to sign up to meet the lovely ladies.

Also, there are 2 other outdoor events that day 1) Fresh Summer Fiesta at the same location where you can do yoga and enjoy amazing food, and 2) Playground for Your Soul in Burlington where you can get worked on my various heart-centred practitioners. Both promise to be great events.

With the kids getting out of school for the summer, I have the urge to do an awareness day camp, probably a week long. I'm looking for locations or recommendations for locations to hold it. Preferably someplace where we can be outside if it's sunny but come in if the weather turns cold or wet. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Finally, I'm looking for people to share their gifts at upcoming events, so if you have a workshop that you think our group would like, please contact me and we'll see if it's a fit. :-)


Be well. Be aware. Be Magical.


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