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Quick Update

From: AJ W.
Sent on: Friday, June 23, 2017, 5:20 PM

Attention Happy Hour Enthusiasts!


If you haven't met me yet, my name is AJ Wilson and I will be working in tandem with Melanie Sherman as Organizer of the Fairfax Happy Hours for Young Adults Meetup group going forward. Melanie and I are looking forward to continuing the mission of the happy hour group- creating a fun and safe environment for young professionals to connect and make friends. If you have any suggestions or questions for Melanie or me, please feel free to send either of us a message through the Meetup site! We are always happy to hear from you.


Melanie have a number of meetups in the works and we will post them as soon as all of the details are locked down. More coming soon.

As some of you may have seen, we just posted a Meetup for 6/29 at Blackfinn. Hopefully you can make it!



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