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CVAAS Officer Nominations

From: Mark B.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 3:29 PM

It's that time of year again!  We are holding our annual election for CVAAS officers on September 4th, 2016.  We need you to help us out by nominating officers.

Please click this link, and tell us who you want to see elected!

Nominations will be closed on Thursday, September 1, 2016.

You can see a list of current officers and their duties by clicking here.

Nominations are open to everyone.  However, nominees must be a member in good standing in order to be elected.

Nominees will be published via Meetup mail, CVAAS membership mail, and on the CVAAS 2016 Election post, located here.

Voting is open to all members in good standing.  This includes paid members, volunteer members, and student / hardship members.  You can attend the vote at our business meeting at 5pm Sunday, September 4th, at the Fresno LGBT Center.  Directions and RSVP can be found here.

If your membership is not currently active, or if you would like to purchase a membership, you can do so at the CVAAS online store.  

The purchase of your membership will also allow you to save $5.00 on your Heretic's Barbecue ticket - and this year it is going to be a really fun event!

If you are a member who wishes to vote, and will not be available to attend the September business meeting, you may vote by phone.

A phone voice mail service will be made available from Friday September 2nd to Sunday September 4, closing at noon on Sunday.  That number will be open starting on Friday by 10 am or earlier, and closing Sunday at noon.  The phone number will be published via Meetup Mail, CVAAS membership mail, the Meetup event page, and on the CVAAS 2016 Election page.

Election results will also be published on the CVAAS 2016 Election post.

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