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Reminder: 1 Day til Baltimore Holistic Health Summit!

From: Ruby
Sent on: Thursday, March 26, 2015, 11:17 PM

Got your ticket yet?  If not, register at:

The “Re-Engineer Your Life Holistic Health Summit” will take place this Saturday, March 28, 2015. This is a transformational conference designed to address the whole person and key aspects total wellness. Doctors, nutritionists, and other health practitioners will facilitate discussions and workshops on plant-based nutrition and strategies for improving or reversing diabetes, cancer, kidney disease and other chronic diseases.

Topic include:

  • Fundamentals of Endocrine Health & Raw Food Demo
  • The Skinny on Organics, GMOs & Gluten
  • Restore your spirit, Renew your mind, and Reclaim your health!
  • Superfoods to Increase Athletic Performance Naturally
  • Integrative Mind-Body Medicine (Naturopathic Medicine)
  • Powerful Plant-Based Meal Planning for Nourishment & Healing
  • Breathing & Meditation Techniques for Healing & Stress Reduction

Vegan Lunch Served (Gluten-free diet accommodated)

Event speakers include Michelle Gourdine, MD (Physician & Author), Ruby Lathon, PhD (Director of Roadmap To Holistic Health Coach), Dr. Ian Noel (Naturopathic), Manifest Ra, Life Balance Expert (Transformational Speaker & Chi Gong Ambassador), Antoinette St. Clair (Raw Food Chef, Plant-based Nutrition Educator, Yoga Inst.), Surina Ann Jordan, PhD (Author, Speaker, Holistic Nutritionist).

For more information visit or contact [address removed] .