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kickball is still a go for today

From: James "Big Butch" G.
Sent on: Sunday, March 15, 2015, 11:01 AM

Good morning,

I wanted to update everyone on our Kickball Meetup today and let you know that we will still be meeting today Sunday, March 15th at Watkins Park in Largo, MD from 1:30pm - 3:30pm.  Please dress warmly and prepare to get a little muddy but we're still going to have a great time.  Also, because the park is on the same road as the First Baptist Church of Glenarden please expect a little traffic getting into the park.  If you need to reach me before 1:30pm you can text me at[masked].

See you today,


ps, afte practice a bunch of us are going to eat and drink at the Ruby Tuesday on Lottsford Rd. so hopefully you can join us.


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