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RSVP and No Show Policy

From: Raheem H.
Sent on: Friday, April 26, 2013, 9:26 AM

The following RSVP and No Show Policy is in place. Effective[masked]

1. If you plan to attend an event, RSVP "yes"
2. If your plans change, please change your RSVP to "no" at least 24 hours before the event
3. If you RSVP "yes" to an event, but do not attend, you are a "no show"
4. If you change your RSVP to "no" less than 24 hours prior to an event, you are a "no show"
5. If you are a "no show" to two events in a calendar year, you will be suspended from iServePhilly for the subsequent month.

The iServePhilly Leadership Team uses your reviews to track attendance, so please submit an event review following each event that you attend. Failure to submit a review within 24 hours of an event may cause the Leadership Team to inadvertently list you as a no-show!

If you have any question please email the leadership team at [address removed]

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