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Green Drinks - We missed you!

From: Julie Craghead L.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 1:35 PM


Good afternoon everyone! Hope you are all having a great day. We missed you at our last Green Drinks, "City of Orlando Energy Conservation Strategy." We had a small, but great group. The purpose of this email is to see why so many people RSVPed and only a handful showed up. We want Green Drinks to be the best it can be, and if we need to change something please let us know! We want YOUR feedback.

Let us know what we can do to get you to come. Maybe it was just the rain that night, but let us know what you think of our topics, the location, the food, anything. Thank you for taking the time to report back to us. It means a lot.

We hope to see you at our next Green Drinks, a tour of OUC's Solar Farm. Hurry up there is a MAXIMUM of 40 people that can go on this tour and right now we have 35 RSVPs. If you can't make it please update your RSVP so that someone else can go.

Have a great day and thank you again!

Your Green Drinks Team!

Julie, Colleen & Robin