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Happy New Year - 2016

From: Sieg D.
Sent on: Friday, January 1, 2016, 10:48 AM

Dear Hornets Nest Meetup members,

I'd like to wish each of you a very Happy New Year.  May this year bring you and your families, much joy and happiness.

As I reflect back on 2015, I am so honored and humbled to be a part of this very special tennis group.  All of the friendship, fun, and spirited tennis that we've enjoyed would not be possible without wonderful members like you.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Susan, Jeal, Gerry, and Mariana for their help, support, patience, and sense of humor over this past year.  I've learned that large meetups don't run themselves and we were blessed to have some of the finest in our leadership team (this author excepted).

Please join me as we stand on the threshold of 2016.  Let's have more fun making new memories with all of our tennis friends!

Sieg Dugas
Organizer - Hornets Nest Park Tennis Meetup Group

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