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From: Cornelius
Sent on: Saturday, February 1, 2014, 4:00 PM

I Can't Be Bruce Lee

I was recently ask "Why don't you fight all the time off your strong side when Bruce taught his students to do so?....... Well my response is, I do not teach Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do ).... nor am I certified in Jun Fan Jeet Do; I am certified in "JKD Concepts" under Ted Lucaylucay and I teach - Cornelius's Combative Arts / JKD Concepts.

Sifu Ted taught us to use the previous skills that we had before coming to him to learn, and to try to tool the concepts of JKD into those skills. For instance teaching a person with high skills in Boxing to use the JKD concepts of "Simultaneous Block & Strike" or a person experience in Muay Thai, how to use "JKD Trapping Drills" or a Grappler how to use "JKD Chi Sao" techniques in his Grappling. How about teaching a Karate Person the strength's of a "JKD Straight Fist" in comparison to a "Karate Back Fist"

Bruce taught the use of the "Straight Punch" but if a person had an 1000 of a second Knock Out "Boxers Jab" would Bruce discourage that person from using that? Bruce taught how to maximize your power and speed while having proper defense, not to fix something not broken. If Bruce were alive today I'm sure that he would appreciate the skill level of MMA Fighter John Jones, Boxer Floyd Mayweather, Jiu JitSu Fighter Relson Gracie also that dude (lil Junebug) that I saw fighting outside that bar on the corner yesterday. If your Self Defense tactics are not working for you at their full potential and you are not getting the results that you wish (getting hit a lot, missing a lot, out of shape, getting tired, no knockout power, too slow) then the Concepts of Jeet Kune Do can help you greatly.

If you watch Bruce Lee's movie films and training films you'll notice he fought from both Strong Side and Weak Side, He also fought with both of his hands up high but sometimes both down, depending on the flow of the fight or the actions of his opponent

Be As Water, Flow, Be -Adaptable, When You Shrike - Be as Lighting, When You Hit - Be As Thunder When you Block.... You Should Be Striking :)

Cornelius - Full Instructor Combative Arts / JKD Concepts

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