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New Meetup: YJP Rosh Hashanah cooking Class: Temple Beth El, Stamford

From: Jeffrey
Sent on: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 3:06 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Westchester/Fairfield County Single Jewish Professionals!

What: YJP Rosh Hashanah cooking Class: Temple Beth El, Stamford

When: September 9,[masked]:30 PM

Temple Beth El
350 Roxbury Road
Stamford, CT 06902

Join us for a gourmet Rosh Hashanah cooking class! Learn how to make a delicious spiced honey cake with caramelized apples. We'll make the cakes and apples, then enjoy eating them with vanilla ice cream.

This event is being organized by Temple Beth El, Stamford. As a meetup member, please RSVP here, but you are also encouraged to join the Temple Beth El Young Jewish Professionals Facebook group and RSVP there.

You are welcome to bring friends.

Learn more here:

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