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This week at Long Beach Pagan Meetup

From: Kandy
Sent on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 6:23 AM

Merry Meet LB Pagans!

Summer is upon us and the Long Beach Pagan Meetup has another busy week ahead. You can get more information about any event by posting in the comments of that event.


Tonight, Wednesday the 24th, join the Southern Cal Pagans and Friends for the July Full Moon “Growth in Gifts”. We gather to celebrate our gifts (communication, arts, spirituality) so bring a little something to share or just yourself.


On Saturday the 27th Practical Magicka continues a 19 week lecture series on Orisha Worship. Each week covers a different Orisha and you will learn their background, ways to call upon them and commune with them as well as an understanding of their colors, numbers, feast days and herbs.

On Sunday the 28th Practical Magicka hosts Santeria... an exploration of Lucumi. Santeria also known as "La Regla Lucumi" is a colorful and powerful religion brought by the Yoruba people from Africa to Cuba during the slave trade. Discover the beauty, power and artistry of Santeria Lucumi in this three-hour overview class covering the beliefs, cosmology, spirits, terminology, folk customs, and major ceremonies of Santeria.


Later that afternoon, join the Long Beach Pagans for a Book Club discussion of Kissing the Limitless by T. Thorn Coyle. We will end the discussion by creating a ritual based upon the book. Didn’t read it? Don’t worry. You are still welcome to join us for the discussion. We will also choose our next book so even if you can’t join us stop by the forum and suggest the next book.


On Monday the 29th at 6:30 pm Practical Magicka hosts the Witches Watching their Weight event. You can weigh in and get supportive help to lose the weight you want.

On Tuesday the 30th Alfredos Beach Club will host Movies on the beach - Jack the Giant Slayer. The LB Pagans will grab a choice spot for us to enjoy the film.

We would love to hear your suggestions for new events so please drop by the forum and share your thoughts. As always, if you know of a pagan friendly event in the Long Beach area or would like to host one yourself please contact me or post the event on our meet up.


Have a great week, we will see you soon!