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Fwd: Debate Petitions

From: bruce
Sent on: Thursday, September 27, 2012, 6:24 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karl Swisher
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Subject: Debate Petitions

 Hello all,
    As some of you may know Gary Johnson is trying to get into the Presidential debates.  Also David Moran is trying to get into the Governor's debate here in West Virginia.  The sponsor of the WV Governor's debate is the West Virginia Broadcasters Association.  The WVBA has decided to exclude 3rd parties this election cycle.  LPWV candidates for Governor participated in 1996 and 2000 debates.  For some reason they want to shut us out of the debate.  The LP has already started a petition for Gary Johnson.  When I signed it today 55 other people from WV had joined me.  The LPWV has just started it's petition for David Moran.  We are asking for your help in allowing the voters to see and hear the other choices they have.  Signing doesn't mean you support our positions.  It just means you agree our voice should be heard.

Click on this link to sign the petition for Gary Johnson to be included in the Presidential debates.

Click on this link to sign the petition for David Moran to be included in the WV Governor's debate.


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