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New Meetup: Drupal beer and chat for April

From: Neil C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 9:25 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Drupal Pub Meet!

What: Drupal beer and chat for April

When: Monday, April 26,[masked]:00 PM

The Square Pig, Holborn
30/32 Procter Street, WC1R 4QG

Thanks to everyone that came down for the last meetup, we had a great turnout, around 130, and it seems a good time was had by all. Dries was well impressed with the enthusiasm, diversity and sheer number of the London Drupal community, something he hadn't seen anywhere else outside a Drupalcon/camp.

I've posted some pics of the event here

The meetups return to their regular venue at the Square Pig. This time, to take advantage of the daylight we've got a large part of the upstairs section reserved for the meetup.

Same format as usual, things get going from 7pm and finish around 11pm. No presentations or schedule, just turn up for chat and a drink.

Look forward to seeing you all there

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