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New Meetup: Birthday Drumming - An afternoon of fun and relaxation

From: Nat
Sent on: Saturday, April 10, 2010, 9:35 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Drum Circle!

What: Birthday Drumming - An afternoon of fun and relaxation

When: Sunday, April 18,[masked]:00 PM

St Marks Church, Angel
Myddleton Square, EC1R 1XX

Hello All,

It's my birthday again and I would like to invite you to a special birthday drum circle. We will have Lennie Charles and other drummers facilitating this session.

Please come as my guests, it's a free session, please bring your friends, we will go to a nearby pub after the session. If you have a drum please bring it along, if not we have extra drums to share.

Look forward to see you there.


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