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Part Time Work

From: Alison K.
Sent on: Friday, March 28, 2014, 8:16 AM
Hi all

I recently approached Barry about the possibility of finding part time work as a java developer in London (due to having a young baby and returning from maternity leave). He said it was something he had heard about before and introduced me to another parent in the same position and suggested writing to the list.

Hence, I'm interested in getting opinions on part time work - especially from those who are involved in the recruitment process. I can't recall ever seeing a position for a programmer advertised as part time and Barry says there are very few. Does this mean people would be completely adverse to employing someone on a part time basis or just that it's not the done thing and you feel you would be limiting the number of people who would apply? If a position was advertised as full time would you still consider people who only wanted to work on a part time basis?

In many ways I think software development is one of the most flexible jobs out there with flexible working hours and a lot of scope to work from home but I'm wondering how wide spread part time work is.

Much thanks


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