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Advice, please, for a new RecWorks recruiter

From: Miles D.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 8:55 AM

It's important for a job description to be correct.
This may sound obvious, but terms like full-stack developer, devOps, and architect can mean different things in different organisations.  "What" do these mean, if used in a job description.

Be honest in a job description.   If developers are expected to support systems out-of-hours, then it should be in the job description.

Be succinct.  Saying someone should have an appreciation of AWS is not great.  AWS is complex, better to identify the core building blocks used.

I also think candidates need to clarify ambiguity in a job description.  Developers are not always great communicators, but the ones who do contact you, make sure you get clear answers to questions, feedback, and update the job description.

For all of the above, please don't let none technical, internal HR departments lose the detail (and clarity), for a job spec.   I have heard comments along the lines of "Java and Javascript sound similar" :-(

If I was was a civil engineer, building bridges, I would apply for jobs in this area.  A developer deserves the same clarity.

Technical tests need to be clearly described.   If you want a in a git repo, ask for that.   If you expect someone to do a pairing session in an interview, please say that.

Must go as time to get off train.



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