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Re: [Mid-Island-Pilots-Club-Email] Air Transport Service

From: ᴡᴡᴡ
Sent on: Monday, November 17, 2014, 3:01 PM
Every thing you need to know about Norwood is here:

Lots of other sites have plenty of info, including AOPA.

When I lived up north I flew to Boston numerous times. Landed at Norwood, seem to remember a $10 landing fee. You could take a Limo to your destination and come out hundreds of dollars ahead. I went to a wedding right across the harbor from Boston Int. It was a shorter ride from Norward than from the airport that was right there and could be seen out the hotel window.

Cab service was good.

I you are flying you need to have source of airport information. It is a requirement to find out all you can about your destination airport. It will make for a much better and safer flight.


On Nov 17, 2014, at 2:35 PM, Kenneth Kranz <[address removed]> wrote:

I am still new at this.  I don't have an Airport Facilities Directory.  Is that something I can download?  Regardless, my sectional shows Norwood which is just over 10 miles to the SW.  I guess I could fly there then take a cab or a trail.  Any advice?

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