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[MakeIt-NYC] Better Late Than Never: Mar 23 - Canary! Hackaday! Arrow! Microchip! Dazzling Discoveries!

From: Jonathan H.
Sent on: Monday, March 21, 2016, 11:42 PM

 Hi Makers!

Sometimes, running a Meetup and a startup don't mix. This was one of those months. So, things have come together at the eleventh hour, but it doesn't mean that we're not bringing it for our March Meetup.

irst, let me say that there are sponsors, and then there are wonderful sponsors. Karen Drucker, our angelic benefactor from Microchip, helped (big time) with this month's slate, and we have: Canary! Chris Rill, CTO and co-founder of the high-profile NYC hardware success story, will be on hand to discuss how Canary got started, and how they went on to crowdfunding success on Indiegogo. Chris takes your questions, too - so come prepared to download some wisdom.

eaking of Microchip, they'll be on hand to talk about lots of cool new Maker-oriented goodness that's just been released. They'll be showing off their new, cloud-based MPLAB Xpress IDE development system that gets you up and running, no muss, no fuss, and cool new Xpress Board, too. Remember that time when you had to mess  around with serial configurations, or find the right programmer for  some other dev board? Yeah, that's all in the past with the new Microchip gear. They'll also be showing off what you can do with the Curiosity board, too. Better yet, in fine sponsorship style, the Microchippers will be giving away some free stuff. Hint: I'm told that lugging home demo boards is a total drag. Hmm.
We'll also have a return engagement from the effervescent Sophi Kravitz, who will give us the low-down on the Hackaday Prize. What is the Hackaday Prize? Nothing less than an engineering and Maker competition to move humanity forward. Now in its third year, the prize opened up for entries just a week ago, and there's already 230 entries (what? not yours? why
not?) looking to make a difference. The motivation for you to enter? Change the world and win $$$. Sophi will tell us about some of the strongest entries so far.

And there's
more! Longtime MakeIt NYC member Godwyn Morris of Dazzling Discoveries tells us about how she brought a wonderful, STEM-oriented toy to market (actually, a whole line of toys), that will surely inspire the budding Mechanical Engineer in your family. And if that wasn't enough, we'll also have folks from Arrow Electronics to talk about how they can lend a hand to help Hardware Entrepreneurs with their efforts.

All this, plus pizza, refreshments, and networking with your favorite Makers, too.
Thanks everyon

Jonathan Hirschman

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