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Cocktails & Conversations Social at 49 Grove This Friday

From: John
Sent on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 6:11 PM

Join us on Friday, May 22nd for a Cocktails and Conversations event at the upscale West Village nightclub and lounge 49 Grove. Each month's event is an evening of socializing, along with optional discussion groups centered around a single theme.

Socialize in the main room all evening or participate in hourly debate groups (7, 8, and 9 PM). Feel free to engage in challenging discussions or just socialize.

49 Grove is an upscale nightclub in the West Village (on Grove Street near the Christopher Street/Sheridan Square Station). We have the entire venue reserved for this event.

The theme is "Questions That Challenge" - a collection of some of the toughest and most interesting questions the organizers can throw your way :-).

We will have three rounds of provocative questions for discussion each hour.

This event's sponsoring group is New York Philosophy.

A Cocktails & Conversations event combines food and drink, a casual Manhattan intellectual environment, and a social atmosphere for New Yorkers to get together, mingle, and discuss interesting topics - in the style of the French Salon.

Over the course of the evening, members gather in small groups for discussions. Between each discussion round, everyone socializes and has a chance to order food/drink. With a chance to join several groups throughout the event, attendees have a chance to meet many others while engaging in spirited debates in a highly social atmosphere.


This is *not* a typical meet-and-greet open social, this is a "Cocktails & Conversations" event with three rounds of active and challenging debates. It will be crowded, it will be edgy - you can participate in discussions or socialize in the main room.



$5 Domestic Beers

Half-Price Specialty Cocktails

Tapas Menu & Full Drink Bar Available - Please Tip Generously!

Hope You Can Join Us!


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