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Montreal Founder Institute Early Applications Due Sunday (December 6)

From: Sergio E.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 1:08 AM

The Founder Institute, the world's largest startup accelerator, is preparing to launch a very promising Montreal 2016 Semester.

We have many great startup mentors confirmed, and impressive founders are beginning to enroll in the program as well. But, time is running out to apply.

This Sunday [masked]) is the Early Application Deadline. If you apply by Sunday, you get to take the Predictive Admissions Test for free ($50 value), and are also eligible to receive one of several Founder Institute Fellowships (Female, Technical, RJCCQ, FinTech, Internet of Things):

If you could use expert training and advice to launch a technology startup in Montreal, then apply today

In the Founder Institute's four-month, part-time program, promising startup entrepreneurs “learn by doing” and launch a company through structured training courses, practical business-building assignments, and expert feedback from a large network of business mentors. Plus, aspiring founders are not required to quit their day job to participate, so they can begin building a business around their ideas without putting their livelihood at risk.

The upcoming Montreal semester will be led by two leaders of the Montreal startup ecosystem; LP Maurice and Sergio Escobar.


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