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RE: [NOVA-Atheists] Richard Dawkins to Appear on the Show "A Road to Reason: A Skeptic's Guide to the 21st Century"

From: Aaron R.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 3:58 PM
is this live? prerecorded?

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [NOVA-Atheists] Richard Dawkins to Appear on the Show "A Road to Reason: A Skeptic's Guide to the 21st Century"
Date: Wed, 25 Sep[masked]:21:33 -0400

Good afternoon my fellow rationalists, skeptics, atheists, agnostics, humanists (fill in the blank here),
Just wanted to remind everyone to tune in Fairfax Channel 35 public access (if you live in Fairfax County) this Sunday, Sept. 29 at 3pm eastern standard time for a special guest appearance on our show "A Road to Reason:  A skeptic's Guide to the 21st Century".  The show is hosted by Rick Wingrove, Larry Mendoza, Rob Penczak, Elisabeth Cornwell, Jamilla Bey and with various guest hosts such as David Tamayo.
This week we are hosting Richard Dawkins.  If you don't live in Fairfax County you can still see the show on our UStream channel (  The show will start at 3pm eastern standard.  There will be a live call in number so you can ask questions and comments.  I will update you with more information as we get it.   Please spread the word and share this with everyone you know!
Our youtube channel is here if you'd like to see past shows:
Our Facebook page is here:
Recent guests have been: John Shook with AHA and CFI, Andy Thompson, CFO and Trustee of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and reason, Edwina Rogers, Executive Director for The Secular Coalition and the Richard Dawkins Foundation,  Sean Faircloth with RDF, Jamila Bey, David Tamayo with HAFREE, JJ Jank (NOVA Atheist member), David Silverman, President of American Atheists, Jason Torpy, President of MAAF (Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers) and others.... Please spread the word.
Larry Mendoza, MS
Director, Educational Outreach,
Beltway Atheists, Inc. and NOVA Atheists

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