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Re: [canadian-21] NJ Driver's license

From: Bart M
Sent on: Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 6:45 PM
2 years ago I had to re-write. 
Almost failed as I wasn't familiar with the alcohol /age /driving combination rules here (NJ). 


On Dec 11, 2013, at 6:39 PM, Lindsay Brydges Walsh <[address removed]> wrote:

It's been awhile since I moved to NJ from New Brunswick but when I did, I actually had to re write the test to get my license.  It was a pain in the butt but it was one of many things on the check list that was a pain when moving down here.  Again, this was 15 years ago, so things may have changed but it's what I had to do.  My then fiance (now husband) was not able to add me to the drivers insurance until I had the NJ license. 

Good LUck!

On Wednesday, December 11,[masked]:05 PM, Douglas Lightman <[address removed]> wrote:
Can anyone comment on their experience of transferring or converting their Canadian driver’s license to a New Jersey driver’s license?  This is for an individual with a Quebec driver’s license who recently became a permanent resident.  We have all identification (“6-point” documentation) items, valid Quebec driver’s license, Quebec driving abstract, etc.  What I’m mostly unsure of is what, if any, types of tests will be administered?
Thanks for any insight.
Douglas M. Lightman | Lightman Law Firm LLC
345 Seventh Ave., FL 21 | New York, NY  10001
Tel:[masked] | Fax:[masked]
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