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Long Island Wineries on May 3rd

From: Dilek Caner M.
Sent on: Saturday, April 12, 2008, 4:34 PM
Hello Everyone,

Our Long Island Wineries event is on Saturday May 3rd. If you have RSVPed 'Yes', please send your checks to the address provided on the event website at:


Below is the list of people whose checks Grape Getaways has already received. If you've sent payment but your name is not on the list please let me know.

Shelly B.
Kristine C.
Amber E.
Erin MC
Joyce M +1
Susan O.
Adam R. +1
Esther S. +1
Mariann S.
Cynthia Z. +1
Elizabeth K. +1
Kathryn T. +1

Hope to see you all at a tasting soon!

Dilek Caner

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