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MTA releases GTFS data

From: Nicholas B.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 4:45 PM
Fellow open data advocates,

As you probably already know, the MTA launched a developer page today that includes GTFS data for most of the rail and bus systems in NYC. Check it out:

Developer page:
Direct download links:

We didn't get everything we wanted (no developer mailing list yet, it remains to be seen how frequently updates will be posted) but there's a lot to like and plenty of indicators that this is only the first step in a longer process. I wrote up an overview of the announcements here:

It's safe to say that the hard work of the members of this group helped to bring about these changes. Thank you *all* for everything you have done, from attending meetups to doing research for our communications with the MTA to drafting letters.

There's much to celebrate and still more to do, so come join us for our next meetup!

When: Wednesday, January 20,[masked]:30 PM

The Open Planning Project
148 Lafayette St 12th floor
New York, NY 10013

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