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New Meetup: FAN Restaurant of the Month

From: FAN A.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 10:11 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The FAN Alliance!

What: FAN Restaurant of the Month

When: January 16,[masked]:00 PM

The Colosseum Restaurant
264 North Broadway
Salem, NH 03079

Note: This event requires a reservation and it may or may not require a deposit by the organizer so all cancellations within 48 hours of the event requires a reason. Please do not sign up unless you are sure that you can make it.


The membership has voted! The December Restaurant of the month is the Puritan Backroom.

About the Restaurant of the Month:

In 1906 Arthur Pappas & Louis Canotas immigrated to America with their families from Elassona, Greece. They became US citizens, and on April 5, 1917, they opened an ice cream & candy shop at 57 Hanover Street in Manchester, NH. A year later, they added a restaurant to their Hanover Street location and then in 1919, they opened a restaurant to their Hanover Street location and then in 1919, they opened a restaurant at 897 Elm Street.
Thus began the Puritan History.

The chicken tenders are the best. They're known in Manchester for them. When you walk in you'll see that almost every table will have at least one order of them. They obviously marinade the tenders in something, I want to say that whatever it is must have pineapple in it. Ask for extra homemade duck sauce. I could drink it through a straw. It's real thin, and not like the duck sauce you'd come to expect from a chinese restaurant. The meal includes a salad. I always get the greek, and sop up the remaining homemade dressing with pita bread.

The mudslides are made with their own homemade vanilla ice cream. They're pricey, upwards of $9-10 but they are large and stiff. I'd recommend getting chocolate around the inside of the glass.


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