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Beleza NYC Cuban - Brazilian Night - April 6

From: Joanna A.
Sent on: Monday, April 1, 2013, 3:41 PM


Beleza NYC will present a Cuban-Brazilian night at Le Poisson Rouge featuring the following artists is less than five days away.

Gerard Cotino (El Aborgado de la Salsa) & NG La Banda from Cuba

Eliano Branz “Forro Fiddler” & band from Brazil.

There will also be a salsa lesson and special dance performances.

DJ Menino Spins samba, broken beat, salsa, reggae, hip hop, house

Doors open at 11 p.m.

Admission is $20 to dance all night long to the best Cuban and Brazilian music.  Please book tickets using this link so I can submit your names on the guest list for this show.

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